major second的中文是什么意思

更新时间:2018-03-09 来源:党政相关 点击:


  英语短语major second的用法不是很常用,但是我们还是有必要知道它的中文意思的。为此烟花美文网小编给大家整理了英语major second的中文意思的相关知识,欢迎阅读参考!

major second的中文

  短语major second的中文意思


  major 英 [ˈmeɪdʒə(r)] 美 [ˈmedʒɚ]

  形容词 主要的; 重要的; 大调的; 主修的(课程)

  名词 主修科目; 大调; 陆军少校; 成年的

  不及物动词 <美>主修,专攻; [美国英语][教育学]主修(in); 专攻

  second 英 [ˈsekənd] 美 [ˈsekənd]

  名词 秒; 瞬间; 次货; 第二份食物

  形容词 第二的; 次要的; 居第二位的; 另外的

  副词 第二; 其次; 以第二位

  及物动词 支持; 临时调派; 附议; 赞成提案

  短语major second的单语例句

  1. Breast cancer is the most common major cancer in American women and the second leading cause of cancer deaths in women.

  2. BEIJING - Home prices in major Chinese cities fell for a second month in October, with more developers cutting prices as government property curbs crimped their cash flow.

  3. The second major " historic folly " in Zheng's words was the filling of many waterways crisscrossing the city center.

  4. The major surprise is the Twelve Girls Band coming in second in income.

  5. Second, the fall in the Dow signals a major change in the trend and economic conditions.

  6. The crash was the second major tragedy for the sports program in about a decade.

  7. The fire struck the second floor of the building, which is located at a downtown crossroads linking two major streets.

  短语major second的双语例句

  1. The ad was going to hit the stands in the morning and CityTown was one of the city's major glossies, second to New York magazine.


  2. In order to explore the common causes correlated with infertility, data of 3777 couples who diagnosed in outpatient department were collected, including age, menstrual cycle, childbearing history and examinations about infertility and sterility. The statistics showed that tubal and pelvic diseases were the major etiological factors in female. Disorder of ovulation elicited by various reasons was the second cause, which included polycystic ovary syndrome、premature ovarian failure and so on.


  3. The second part excavates a process in which urban space rapidly comes down to a place after the hero immigrates into London with other major characters.


  4. At present, China`s real estate industry on this one financial, there are two major problems, one is single channel, mainly by asking the banks; the second is liability structure is irrational, short-term liabilities was mainly dominated, the whole company is unsafe Therefore, we strive to do this two ways.


  5. The second major change has been to replace the old, unmaintained gnome-canvas toolkit by the more modern, Cairo based toolkit named goocanvas.






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