
更新时间:2018-05-27 来源:经典语录 点击:





  1. London Bridge 伦敦大桥

  2. On Top of Old smoky 在老斯牟克山顶上

  3. Yankee Doodle扬基歌

  4. Animal Fair 动物展览会

  5. Dixie 迪克西

  6. Pop! Goes The Weasel 砰!去追黄鼠狼

  7. I'm A Policeman 我是一个警察

  8. Row Your Boat 划你的小船

  9. Animal Fair 动物展览会

  10. In The Good Old Summertime 在曾经美好的夏日时光

  11. The Green Grass Grew All Around 绿草如茵

  12. Ten Little Indians 十个小印第安人

  13. She'll Be Coming Round The Mountain

  14. The Hokey Pokey 呵吉啵吉舞

  15. Old MacDonald 老麦当劳

  经典的英语儿歌:Wash and dry

  here some soap and shampoo,here s a towel just for you


  here s a pair of slippers too and a bathmat just for you


  wash your body,wash your hair


  dry your body,dry your hair


  wash youslef and dry youself everywhere.


  here some soap and shampoo,here s a towel just for you


  here s a pair of slippers too and a bathmat just for you


  wash your body,wash your hair


  dry your body,dry your hair


  wash youslef and dry youself everywhere.


  经典的英文儿歌:One Little Finger

  One little finger, one little finger, one little finger (Hold up your index finger and bend it up and down.)

  Tap tap tap! (Tap your finger against your other INDEX FINGER 3 times.)

  Point your finger up! (Point up!)

  Point your finger down! (Point down!)

  Put it on your head. Head! (Put your finger on your head and say in a loud voice, “Head!”)

  One little finger, one little finger, one little finger (Hold up your index finger and bend it up and down.)

  Tap tap tap! (Tap your finger against your HEAD 3 times.)

  Point your finger up! (Point up!)

  Point your finger down! (Point down!)

  Put it on your nose. Nose! (Put your finger on your head and say in a loud voice, “Nose!”)

  One little finger, one little finger, one little finger (Hold up your index finger and bend it up and down.)

  Tap tap tap! (Tap your finger against your NOSE 3 times.)

  Point your finger up! (Point up!)

  Point your finger down! (Point down!)

  Put it on your chin. Chin! (Put your finger on your head and say in a loud voice, “Chin!”)

  One little finger, one little finger, one little finger (Hold up your index finger and bend it up and down.)

  Tap tap tap! (Tap your finger against your CHIN 3 times.)

  Point your finger up! (Point up!)

  Point your finger down! (Point down!)

  Put it on your arm. Arm! (Put your finger on your head and say in a loud voice, “Arm!”)

  One little finger, one little finger, one little finger (Hold up your index finger and bend it up and down.)

  Tap tap tap! (Tap your finger against your ARM 3 times.)

  Point your finger up! (Point up!)

  Point your finger down! (Point down!)

  Put it on your leg. Leg! (Put your finger on your head and say in a loud voice, “Leg!”)

  One little finger, one little finger, one little finger (Hold up your index finger and bend it up and down.)

  Tap tap tap! (Tap your finger against your LEG 3 times.)

  Point your finger up! (Point up!)

  Point your finger down! (Point down!)

  Put it on your foot. Foot! (Put your finger on your head and say in a loud voice, “Foot!”)

  Put it on your leg. Leg! (Put your finger on your head and say in a loud voice, “Leg!”)

  Put it on your arm. Arm! (Put your finger on your head and say in a loud voice, “Arm!”)

  Put it on your chin. Chin! (Put your finger on your head and say in a loud voice, “Chin!”)

  Put it on your nose. Nose! (Put your finger on your head and say in a loud voice, “Nose!”)

  Put it on your head. Head! (Put your finger on your head and say in a loud voice, “Head!”)

  Now let’s wave good-bye. Good-bye! (Wave good-bye with your index finger.)





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2018-10-23 12:19:40   感恩节卡通图片  


诞节传达出一种圣诞节精神,即耶稣作为救主降临人间,给普世众生带来盼望与信心,而有关圣诞颂歌很多,今天小编分享的是圣诞节的经典英文歌曲,希望对大家有所帮助。圣诞节的经典英文歌曲:《圣婴诞生》When A Child Is Born静谧、安详中,一个孩子诞生了,人世间自此了曙光,开展了一个新的黎明,他就

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臭豆腐是极具中国特色的一款小吃,“闻起来臭吃起来香”是臭豆腐的独有特色。而长沙臭豆腐则是最为有名的。现在是,市面上正宗的臭豆腐不多,开一家原汁原味的臭豆腐加盟店不失为一条致富路。下面是由烟花美文网小编整理的臭豆腐连锁加盟哪家好 ,以供大家参考。臭豆腐连锁加盟排行榜1、黑色经典

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