
更新时间:2018-11-19 来源:小升初作文 点击:




  Do not do housework


  做家务do housework


  1. 虽然随着独立思想的兴起,男性不会主动要求女性在婚后承担所有的家务,但是在中国男性的思想意识里,女性承担家务是天经地义的,不需讨论,因此,如果是一个愿意做家务和一个不愿意做家务的女性同时摆在面前,会做家务的女人被求婚的胜算要大一些。

  The independent tide emerging, men, perhaps, don`t ask the women positively to deal with the whole tasks inside of home, yet in their minds, it is naturally for women to bear the housework. Thus, if one woman who would like to do the tasks and another one who would not like to do them are in front of a man, the former one will have much more chance to win the proposal.

  2. 作为全港少数的专业手模,Katherina 表示没有刻意护理身体或手脚,只定期每隔2至3星期做一次修甲,爱煮食的她还会亲自洗痋B煮饭及做家务,不会因保护双手而什麼也不做。

  Katherina is renowned for her body modelling, but she says she does not use special treatments for her hands or body. All it takes is a regular manicure and pedicure once every two or three weeks.

  3. 从不会打骂孩子,不会让孩子做家务,只会对孩子好。

  Children from abuse is not and will not let children do the housework, the children will be good.

  4. 你不会批评你的父母,而是帮助他们做家务。

  You did not criticise your parents; instead, you helped with the housework.

  5. 家务男人干不少,只是没人意识到。一项研究显示,女人通常不会注意到男人做了多少家务,因为男人“不喜炫耀”。

  Men do far more housework than they are given credit for, according to research that claims women do not notice because their male partners " don't make a fuss ".

  6. 家务男人干不少,只是没人意识到。一项研究显示,女人通常不会注意到男人做了多少家务,因为男人“不喜炫耀”。

  Men do far more housework than they are given credit for, according to research that claims women do not notice because their male partners " don't make a fuss ".


  After dinner, my first job was to get the dirty dishes to the kitchen. Then I began to wash them. I turned on the tap and water covered all the dishes in the sink. Then I added some detergent to the water. Maybe I put too much, so it was full of bubbles in the sink. It was just like a bubble bath for dishes and bowls. I caught a bowl to wash. It was slippery. "Pang!" The bowl slipped from my fingers. It dropped into the sink and broke another bowl and a dish. It was terrible! There was only one dish left.In the end, my mother cleared the pieces and helped me clean the dishes. I think I'll do a better job next time.






干家务是一件比较繁琐的事情,很多人都不喜欢做。干家务的英语是如何表达的呢,下面是烟花美文网小编专门整理的干家务的英语表达方法,希望对你有所帮助!干家务的英语翻译do choresdo some houseworkdo chores do houseworkIn the household干家务双语例

2018-11-20 00:19:40   做家务英语作文翻译  


等你学会了学做家务,你就可以自豪地跟妈妈说,我会做家务了。我会做家务的英文你知道要怎么说吗?烟花美文网小编收集了我会做家务的英文,希望对你会喜欢!我会做家务的英文翻译I can do housework帮助妈妈做家务的英语作文After dinner, my first job was to get

2018-11-19 10:19:40   我的名字英文翻译  


我不喜欢做家务,很多人都这么说,其实没有几个人是喜欢做家务的,我不喜欢做家务英语你知道要怎么表达么?下面是烟花美文网小编给你带来的我不喜欢做家务的英语表达,希望你喜欢!我不喜欢做家务的英语翻译I dont like to do housework重点词汇不喜欢dislike; have no use

2018-11-19 07:19:40   做家务英语作文翻译  


现在的人其实很多人都是不会做家务的,这是个不好的习惯,不会做家务英语翻译又是什么呢,下面是烟花美文网小编精心收集的不会做家务的英语翻译,供你参考!不会做家务的翻译Do not do housework重点词汇做家务do housework不会做家务双语例句1 虽然随着独立思想的兴起,男性不会主动要

2018-11-19 04:19:40   做家务英语作文翻译  



2018-11-17 21:19:40   关于第一次做饭的作文