home basic的中文是什么意思

更新时间:2018-03-07 来源:自我介绍 点击:


  home basic对于很多人来说是陌生的,也有不少人不知道它的中文是什么意思。为此烟花美文网小编为大家介绍短语home basic的中文意思。

home basic

  短语home basic的中文意思



  home-basic care programme 居家护理方案

  home basic的单语例句

  1. She lifted her own very simple very basic cell phone to call home, to let her family know she'd be working overtime that night.

  2. So we are very much the home of Greenwich Mean Time which is the basic time for the world.

  3. Conservative Party home affairs spokesman George Osborne said the government needed to " get a grip and deliver a basic level of competence ".

  4. Her parents'mobile phones and some basic household electrical appliances were the only items of any value at home.

  5. Before you visit a barbecue restaurant or hold a barbecue party at home, it's useful to learn some basic knowledge about art.

  home basic的双语例句

  Make sure the socks you wear for the basic home-version pads won't cause you to slip.


  To respect user privacy is the E- home life , a basic policy, E- home life will certainly not without the authorization of Member open, edit or disclose their personal information.


  This sounds like a basic eco-home, right?


  And Microsoft will sell its low-end Windows 7 Home Basic version for 399 yuan, a modest price by Western standards but still 15 times as much as is charged for pirated copies.


  Another option is a low-cost machine with the Home Basic version of Vista, which also tends to cost less and to require less-expensive hardware than the more-common Vista Home Premium.

  另外一个选择是装有Vista家庭普通版(Home Basic)的低成本电脑。它的价格更低,需要的硬件也比更常见的Vista家庭高级版(HomePremium)要便宜。

  The basic story mode is leave home-go home- leave home.


  Rotor is the indispensable key components from basic daily home apparatus to the high-tech fields such as various industry productions, transport equipments as well as aerospace and aviation.


  Home-grown or customer-developed solutions can also be utilized along with the basic capabilities provided by the instance operating systems.


  Beginning with the current state of unemployment insurance research, this thesis takes theoretical findings home and abroad as the basic of its post-study.


  They say they can scale it up for use in air conditioning, and aim to build 3.5-kilowatt devices – equivalent to a basic home model – which could be dotted around buildings.





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