
更新时间:2018-03-10 来源:写作技巧 点击:





  英 [ˈmeməʊ] 美 [ˈmemoʊ]

  名词 备忘录; (美)内部通知

  1. 便条:写作部分分为三方面的练习,各为便条(Memo)、简报(Report)、及信件(Letter),著重学生从所引导的相关字中,写出一个段落来练习. 文法部分,每个单元都由简短的对话开始,然后有数页不等的说明,测验题倒是可让喜欢做题的学生们试试自己的能力,

  2. 便笺:在Palm上的记事称为'便笺'(memo),当你想要写 5行以上的文字时,它绝对是你第一、而且是最简单的选择(没错,你可以使用DOC文件格式,但在个人电脑上你通常需要外部协力厂商的程式才可以做格式转换的动作).

  3. memo:multiple-input-multiple-output; 多入多出

  4. memo:memorandum; 备忘录


  1. The memo followed the previous one signed by the CBRC and the Monetary Authority of Macao last Friday in Beijing.

  2. Hadley played down the memo as simply a laundry list of ideas rather than a call for a new course of action.

  3. Aides distributed a memo and held a conference call to question why she won't release her tax returns.

  4. Critics on Capitol Hill and elsewhere have said that memo provided the legal underpinnings for subsequent abuses of prisoners in Afghanistan and Iraq.

  5. " We cannot give such a list for no cause whatsoever, " he wrote in a January 1988 memo.

  6. The waiters all carry memo books, so they can check to make sure they have taken the order correctly.

  7. The Times corrected her column online to give proper credit for the material to Talking Points Memo editor Josh Marshall.

  8. The senior administration officials refused to say what Bush's response to the memo was, or precisely what government action it had triggered.

  9. Commission members unanimously asked the White House to declassify the memo, whose title had not been revealed previously.


  1. If it is not enshrined on memo or letter and signed in Vertretung, then it did not happen.


  2. If it is not enshrined on memo or letter and signed, then it did not happen.


  3. If it is not enshrined on memo or letter and signed in Vertretung, then it did you not happen.


  4. Writing an Argumentative Paper - There comes a time in our lives when it becomes necessary to express your opinion or alternate position on paper, whether it be for a school assignment, a letter to the editor, a memo suggesting new company policy, or just an e-mail to your sibling explaining an opposing viewpoint.


  5. Someone around the office has a copy of every memo and report from the past 10 years.


  6. Friend. Someone around the office has a copy of every memo and report from the past 10 years.

  有些人即使一张备忘录和报告也会保存10 年。

  7. It was a profound part of him; his sense of being alien, of the prejudice against him, was never assuaged in October 1964 when George Ball handed in his first memo against the Vietnam war, Johnson turned to an aid and said, you've got to be carefully of these Eastern lawyers.


  8. While i was in the meeting room of QANTAS, the duty manager of QANTAS MR. Tony Cleal asked us:weather there was anyone worked at the first line. As the only one who supported the first line, I was with open mouth at that moment. The scene was so deeply in my mind, that i have to record it for memo.

  在QANTAS的会议室里,QANTAS老总Tony Cleal先生问我们有没有工作在一线的人在场,作为唯一一个支援一线的我,却在当口张口结舌,此场景印象深刻,不得不记以备忘。




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